Did you know snoring may be caused by breathing too much? Research shows sleep apnea and asthma patients breath at three times the volume of those who don’t suffer from those chronic conditions. If you snore, there’s a good chance you have sleep apnea. Stress also makes us breath too much. The Hobson Institute can help you reduce your breathing volume and stop snoring.
For years, only those local to Chicago could benefit from the best practices and cutting edge approach Dr. Jennifer Hobson has pioneered to help eliminate over breathing, snoring, sleep apnea and other breathing problems for her patients. Now Dr. Hobson is making her holistic approach available to everyone at anytime through her online Breathing Clinic, dedicated to training and educating proper breathing.
Stop Snoring Now
Improve your sleep quality, and energy level and decrease tension, anxiety, headaches, and more. The Breathing Retraining Program focuses on restoring nose breathing and reducing breath volume and rate.
Did you know regularly snoring at night can disrupt the quality of your sleep? This can lead to daytime fatigue, feeling irritable and increase other health problems. Plus, if you’re not sleeping alone, your snoring can keep others from having a good night’s sleep. Fortunately, sleeping in separate bedrooms isn’t the only remedy for snoring. The Hobson Institute Breathing Clinic provides a step-by-step approach to stopping snoring once and for all.
Retrain Your Breathing to Stop Snoring
Our Breathing Retraining Program includes 1:1 sessions and unlimited digital access to step-by-step online courses with videos and PDF handouts. We customize the program just for you, providing simple exercises and ongoing support to help you on your way towards better health.
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