Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition that affects the mobility and proper function of the tongue. Imagine if your tongue was connected to the bottom of your mouth with a tight string. Well, that’s what happens in tongue tie. There’s a piece of tissue called the frenulum that holds your tongue down. In infants and adults with tongue tie, this tissue is too short or tight, which restricts the movement of the tongue.
This can cause problems when speaking, eating, or even sticking out your tongue. It may make it difficult to pronounce certain sounds or words properly. With tongue tie infants, it can also lead to problems with breastfeeding in babies.
The piece of tissue behind your upper lip is called the frenulum. When these membranes are too thick or too stiff, they can keep the upper lip from moving freely, known as lip-tie. Lip-tie has not been studied as much as tongue-tie, but treatments for lip-ties and tongue-ties are very similar. Lip-tie occurs when the frenum connecting the upper or lower tip is too short or too tight. The frenums that connect the upper and lower lips to the gums are called labial frenulums. When they are tight or short, they can cause difficulty moving the lips, speaking and eating.
The least commonly known type of tethering is the buccal tie, lateral frenum, or buccal frenum. The term “buccal ties” is most commonly used by feeding specialists and lactation consultants and are restrictions or taut fibers that are abnormally attached from the gums to the inside of the cheeks. Some doctors will release these ties as well during frenectomy.
Symptoms in adults
Symptoms in infants
Run your finger under the tongue to identify a “guitar string”, which may indicate that the tongue attachment is problematic.
If there is a smooth, uninterrupted pass under the tongue, the infant likely will be able to have a successful latch. If there is a significant interference during the sweep under the tongue, seek evaluation of the tongue-tie.
The Hobson Institute is one of the few clinics providing pre and post-frenectomy care as well as lingual and labial frenectomy procedures. We use frenectomy as a helpful solution for people who have tongue tie and lip tie issues.