En Espanol: Ejercicios de Buena Postura Oral

Explore la entrevista con la Dra. Sandra Kahn, pionera en ortodoncia centrada en las vías respiratorias. La Dra. Jenny Hobson, especialista en cabeza y cuello, aborda la postura de la lengua y más. Ofrece tratamientos en Chicago y formación virtual en la técnica Buteyko.

Exercises for Good Oral Posture

Dr. Sandra Kahn explores airway-centric orthodontics, addressing oral evolution shifts and health risks. Dr. Jenny Hobson, a TMJ specialist, utilizes the GOPex Program for comprehensive care. Discover their expertise in pediatric prevention and myofunctional therapy worldwide. Explore Dr. Kahn’s inventions at forwardontics.com.

Meet My Family’s Physical Therapist

Explore body mechanics with Dr. Jenny and Ron Hruska, founder of the Postural Restoration Institute. Learn their unique approach for functional, whole-body restoration.

Airway Treatment for Children

Listen to Dr. Kevin Boyd discuss pediatric airway health with Dr. Hobson. Gain insights into facial development and recognizing poor breathing signs in kids.

My Mentor and TMJ Expert

Gain insights from Dr. Mariano Rocabado, a leading expert in TMJ and head-neck connections. Dr. Jenny Hobson, his protégé, offers expertise in Chicago and virtually worldwide.

A Sleep Apnea Patient Reduces CPAP Usage

Embark on a transformative journey with a Hobson Institute Breathing Clinic client, sharing his experience overcoming sleep apnea. Dr. Jenny Hobson, a leading expert in head and neck physical therapy, guides individuals to improved well-being, in Chicago or virtually worldwide.

TMJ and the ALF Appliance

Explore the synergy of TMJ and the ALF appliance in Episode 8 on Hobson Institute’s podcast. Discover insights into optimal jaw health and treatment.

Recovery and Healing with NIA

Discover Lynett Putterman’s inspiring recovery from a spinal cord injury with NIA. Dr. Jenny Hobson’s breathwork training enhances well-being.

Airway & Dental Treatments for TMJ & TMD

Explore TMJ and Sleep treatments with Dr. Michael Gelb and Dr. Jenny Hobson. Learn about dental solutions, holistic approaches, and innovative therapies.

About the Breathing Lab Podcast

Join Dr. Jennifer Hobson, founder of the Hobson Institute, for insights on the vital role of proper breathing in health. She discusses symptoms and offers global education.